Dr. Vanessa Farsadaki

Dr. Vanessa Farsadaki is the preeminent thought-leader towards advancing the
discipline of Space Medicine. A proud American citizen of Greek descent and a Medical
Doctor, Dr. V as she is known colloquially, is on-track to become Greece’s first-ever
Astronaut in history. She is a scuba diver, a pilot in training and a skydiver. As the
President and Managing Partner of Space Exploration Strategies LLC, Dr. V’s
impressive bona fides include advanced degrees in Biology, Genetics, Astronomy,
Astrophysics, and Business Leadership. She has authored and co-authored a plethora
of articles advocating for advancements in her field of expertise, and her deep
experiences with Radiation Exposure and Protection have made her a sought-after
advisor on high-end programs of note for the gravitas she brings to the discussions.
Additionally, her fluency in 18 languages is a testament to her ability to engage with a
broad range of audiences, and thus she continues to serve as a keynote speaker at
numerous fora to include the prestigious Kings College in London, England and many
other universities internationally. She has won numerous awards among which the
International Trailblazer award for her futurist work in Space Medicine. She is a British
Interplanetary Society fellow and the youngest Space Ambassador to be ever
recognized by the National Space Society.

All Presenters

Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Figurehead in the Spirits & Space Sectors

Founder and CEO of Ravelin US LLC

Expert on Advanced Entry Systems & Thermal Protection

Program Coordinator of the Masters of Space Operations program

Sr. Director of In Space Production Applications & Chief Scientific Officer of Redwire

Founder of Astra-Terra

Preeminent Thought-Leader in Space Medicine

President & Ceo , Co-founder Paragon Space Development Corporation

Director of Space Leadership Thunderbird ASU

Leading Space Entrepreneur

Chief Scientist - USSF

Chairman National Space Society Board of Governors

Manager, In Space Production Applications (InSPA) Portfolio

Major General, Retired - USAF, NASA

President & CEO of LambdaVision

NASA Deputy Administrator

U.S. Congressman

Maxar Technologies Oceania and Pacific Region

Col., Astronaut - USAF, NASA

Technology And Policy Expert